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  • last updated 1 year ago
  • version: 1.5.2

Index Renderer

What is it?

The Index Renderer allows you to render an index page. Simply provide it the headers and data to render, and it will do the rest. You can even optionally provide filters to apply to the data.


namespace App\Domains\Users\Controllers;

final class UserController
   $filters = UserFilters::make();

   public function index() {
        return IndexRenderer::render()
   protected function getData($filters) {
        return Product::query()->filter($filters)->get();
namespace App\Domains\Users\Bread;

use Libaro\Bread\Headers\Text;
use Libaro\Bread\Headers\Label;
use Libaro\Bread\Headers\Number;
use Libaro\Bread\Headers\Boolean;
use Libaro\Bread\Headers\Headers;
use Libaro\Bread\Contracts\Renderer;
use Libaro\Bread\Contracts\Invokables;

final class UserIndexHeader implements Invokables
   protected function __invoke(Renderer $renderer) {
        return Headers::add(
            Text::make('Name', 'name')->sortable(),
            Text::make('Email', 'email')->sortable(),
            Number::make('Age', 'age')->sortable(),
            Boolean::make('Active', 'active')->sortable()->editable(),
            Label::make('Role', 'user.role')->sortable()
namespace App\Domains\Users\Bread;

use Libaro\Bread\Filters\Text;
use Libaro\Bread\Filters\Select;
use Libaro\Bread\Filters\Number;
use Libaro\Bread\Filters\Filters;
use Libaro\Bread\Filters\Boolean;

final class UserFilter
    public static function make()
        return (new self())();
   protected function __invoke(): Filters 
        return Filters::add(
            Text::make('Name', 'name'),
            Text::make('Email', 'email'),
            Number::make('Age', 'age'),
            Boolean::make('Active', 'active'),
            Select::make('Role', 'user.role')->options([
                'admin' => 'Admin',
                'user' => 'User',
            Boolean::make('Is Nieuw', 'is_new')->isNew(),


We have provided a number of headers that you can use. All headers have a range of options that you can use to customize the header.

Available Headers

Creating custom headers

You can also create your own header.


With Bread command

Run php artisan bread:header NameOfYourHeader to create a new header.

Two files will be created:

This header will automagically be recognized by Bread.


You provide options using a fluent api, which means you can chain them in any order.


We have provided a number of filters that you can use. You can also create your own filters by extending the Filter class.

Available Filters


You can provide a custom filter query to use. Simply chain it to the filter.

Boolean::make('Is New', 'is_new')->isNew(),

Then in your model add a public method that returns the query. Prefix the method name with filter

namespace Domains\Users\Models;

final class User extends Model

    * @param $query: The query to filter and to return
    * @param null $value: The current value of the filter
    * @param array $params: The parameters of the filter (? Jens what are these params?)
    public function filterIsNew($query, $value = null, array $params = [])
        // Return you custom query here

Display of filters

Filters can be rendered in two ways. They can be rendered inline just above the table, or they can be rendered in a slide-out panel. By default, the filters are rendered inline when you provide less than 5 filters. You can change this by setting the number of filters to display inline.

    ... your filters ...

Creating your own filter

You can also create your own Filter


With Bread command

Run php artisan bread:filter NameOfYourFilter to create a new filter.

Two files will be created:

You must add your filter to the fields vue component in Bread/Resources/ui/Components/Filter/Fields. So that it can be loaded by vue. This must also be done when creating filters using the bread command.